Day or Adventure Camp
4 Day - Day or Adventure Camp
June 24-27
Day Camp (ages going into 1st-5th grade)
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Adventure Camp (ages going into 6th-8th grade)
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
at Camp Victory
8513 Centerline Rd.
Saranac, MI 48881
cost: $95.00
includes lunch and t-shirt
within same household family:
2 campers = $180.00
3+ campers/family max. cost = $270.00
Please Fill Out a Registration
for Each Camper. Indicate at the top of the form Day Camp or Adventure Camp.
Day Camp Registration
Worship Camp
5 Day- Middle and High School Camp
June 17-21
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
ages 13-18
Location: Pathway a Wesleyan Church
4960 Portland Rd. - Saranac
cost: $125.00
includes lunch and t-shirt
within same household family:
2 campers = $235.00
3+ campers/family max. cost = $350.00
Please Fill Out a Registration
for Each Camper
Worship Camp Registration
Adventure Camp Registration
Payments can be made online with PayPal
(on our Payment/Giving page)
or send check to:
Branch Adventures
PO Box 231
Saranac, MI 48881
or pay at Check-In the first day of camp
Please contact us if you have any difficulty registering or if you would like information about financial assistance.
We will always find a way.