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Day Camp 

June 24-27

@ Camp Victory (8513 Centerline Rd. Saranac)

4 Day Camp Mon.-Thurs.  9:00 AM-3:00 PM

ages: going into 1st-5th grades

cost: $95.00

Day Camp is full of activities like arts and crafts, swimming, games, Nature, Bible Storytelling, music, skits and FUN. 

This camp is tailored for Elementary kids to learn about creation and our Creator in beautiful outdoor setting.

June 24-27

@Camp Victory (8513 Centerline Rd. Saranac)

4 Day Camp Mon. -Thurs. 9:00 AM-3:00 PM

ages: going into 6th-8th grades

cost: $95.00

Adventure Camp 

Adventure Camp has higher energy activities and is geared toward teens and Jr. High age kids. Adventure Campers still get to experience Worship Music, Skits, Nature, Bible Lessons, and Games, as well as, the Swamp Run, the Shoe Tree, Water Sports and a Field trip. 

Worship Camp 

June 17-21

5 Days of Camp and Friday Night Worship Explosion

Location: Pathway a Wesleyan Church

4960 Portland Rd. Saranac, MI 48881

9:00 AM-4:00 PM

ages: 13-18 

cost: $125.00

Worship Camp is for older kids interested in learning or growing in Worship Arts.  No experience or instruments required. 

Our aim is to develop the next genration of Worship Leaders.

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