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Branch Adventures is a Youth Ministry Organization serving Saranac, MI

and our surrounding communities.

We started in 2005 with a group of friends thinking "Hey, let's start a camp."

Since then, we've served thousands of kids through camp ministry,

started Seeds of HOPE Mentoring at Saranac Community Schools

and opened River's Edge Youth Center downtown Saranac.    

What We Do

Summer Day Camping

-Day Camp ages 1st-5th grades

-Adventure Camp ages 6th-8th grades 

-Worship Camp ages 6th-12th grades

Day & Adventure Camp are held at Camp Victory (8315 Centerline Rd.) 

Worship Camp is held at Pathway a Wesleyan Church (4960 Portland Rd.)


Seeds of HOPE Mentoring

At Saranac Community Schools during the School year


River's Edge Youth Center

for teens ages 13+

79 N. Bridge St., Saranac, MI 48881


Mondays & Wednesdays 4:00-8:00 PM

and Saturdays 3:00-9:00 PM



Why We Do What We Do

Deeply Rooted and Reaching Out


Deeply Rooted In:

-God's Word and Truths found in the Bible

-A Relationship with Jesus Christ

-The Sustaining Power of the Holy Spirit

-Solid Christian Fellowship



Reaching Out By:

-Connecting with our Community through Events

-Mentoring Students at Saranac Community Schools

-Creating opportunities for Creation-Centered Outdoor Education and Camp Experiences

-Providing a safe and wholesome place for Teens to meet

John 15:5
Jesus said - "I am the Vine, and you are the branches.  If anyone remains in Me, 
and I in them, they will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing."

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